#FLY with Prerna Goel (Schonali Rebello)

Schonali Rebello Season 2 Episode 1

Meet our guest- Schonali Rebello, and listen to her story of what keeps her fiercely fabulous in her 40s.

From Schonali:

"I've never called this self-care, but it's what the world calls it now.

My grandmother told the teenage-me that if I did not focus on keeping myself happy all the time, every day, no matter what life threw at me, I'd regret it.

Because life is filled with nasty surprises and grief and hard times, for everyone. It is up to us to find the silver lining, the ray of hope, the sunshine on the dark days.
And nobody else can find it for you, but you.

So, every day through the week I spend time indulging myself in different, (mostly) low-cost, high-maintenance ways.

From unhurriedly detangling, and setting my curly, difficult hair after a shower twice a week, to 15 mins a day on basic make-up and dressing for the day I want, to waking up while the world sleeps for a run under the trees in my local park, to football with my community of women who play together, to boxing with the same trainer for 11 years, to regular, progressive weight training, to yoga – slowing everything down to focus, to drinking and dancing with friends & family every weekend, there is always time for me in my life that is filled with others.

I get my best ideas – for work and life – when I'm doing my make-up, focusing on getting that eyeliner equally right! Or when I'm running in the park with Latin dance music playing in my headphones.

Every spare minute – I’ve learned to stretch time! – that I spend alone with myself or for myself, makes me a better person for everyone else who needs me."

About Schonali:

Schonali began writing stories at the age of 7 and became a feminist a little earlier than that. 

She discovered my passion for equity and justice in her Women’s Studies 101 during her first year at Knox College, IL, USA and then found her calling as a writer so added Creative Writing as a major, and finished with a double major.

A xennial constantly moving countries all through childhood and adolescence due to world events like The Gulf War, and family events like her mother becoming the EA to one of India’s biggest businessmen in a newly emerging Indian economy, she (generally) thrive in environments that are vibrant, fast paced, and demanding.

With an ability to adapt to various multicultural work spaces, and an indefatigable fire in the belly to change the world, her previous role culminated after six happy years, to once again turn her eyes to a road yet untraveled. From 2014-2021 she was an instrument member of JobsForHer – India’s end-to-end platform for every woman who wants to start, restart or rise in her career. She served in various capacities there, starting as the first content writer, organizing the writing desk, moving on to to creating the design & video team, and overseeing the marketing team as the Brand Custodian of the company, until she was asked to lead the company's next venture, women in leadership. 

A firm believer in the value and beauty of education gleaned from every experience, connection, and challenge, JobsForHer formed the perfect bridge between for her various guiding principles – a company fueling a socio-economic revolution across India. Over her last two years there, she launched and headed The HerKey Club – a members-only club for women who like to lead instead of follow. A club where women become leaders. Together. 

Now, Schonali leads Employer Brand globally for Visteon, a 20+ year old auto-tech company at the epicenter of a mobility revolution that will completely change the way we interact with our vehicles, reduce the number of car accidents and fatalities, and make the world a cleaner place. 

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